Wednesday 15 September 2010

How to make Awesome Fairy Cakes

How to make Awesome Fairy Cakes

Fairy Cakes allow you to spread a little magic, be it to say “Happy Birthday”, “Thank You”, or “Get Well Soon”.

The Traditional Fairy Cakes have their sponge wings places on the top of the cake, but you can mix up decorating them, add organic chocolate powder to create decadent chocolate fairy cakes.
Below is my full proof recipe which will show you how to create a moist light fairy cake. What’s even better is that this recipe takes between 10-15 minutes to prepare. Get creative, mix it up in terms of decoration. Make the fairy cakes really magical. Spread the love!!!!
Self raising flour 8oz/ 225g (or a cup full)
Caster sugar 8oz/ 225g (or a cup full)
Good Quality Margarine 8 oz/ 225g (or a cup full)
4 Free Range Eggs
2 teaspoons of baking powder.  
Vanilla extract/ pod (optional)
Choose from whipped cream.
Or The Cooking Fairy’s favourite- Mascarpone, icing sugar and lemon juice.
Sprinkle stars, balls, sweeties, chocolate........
Preheat the oven to 190 Degrees. Put into a mixing bowl the sugar and the margarine, mix together with a hand whisk, add the eggs, whisk, add the flour, and add the baking powder and vanilla extract.  Mix together.
Place the mixture into bun cases. I always find that to make the most tasty, and impressive Fairy Cakes, you should use a muffin case. Think presentation and decoration, muffin cases come in different colours, patterns and so on. What will look most fun?!
Put the Fairy Cakes in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Keep an eye on them to see that they do not burn. You can test if the cakes are cooked by placing a skewer into the cake. If the skewer comes back clean; the cakes are cooked.
Leave these to cool for 30 mins- 1 hour.

Then get decorating!

Best! :-)
The Cooking Fairy

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