Friday 17 September 2010

Mamma's Garlic Mushrooms! Wow!

This is one of my mum’s recipes and is one of my favourite. It seems to always go down a storm.  Her garlic mushrooms are something of a legend around our parts!  It is great as a starter, or a light main course. Serve it at a dinner party, or when people drop unannounced!


Chestnut Mushrooms
Button Mushrooms
White wine
Lemon Juice
Black Pepper
Fresh Parsley


1.     Put a knob of butter in a large frying pan together with the garlic (one clove) crushed using a garlic press.
2.     When the butter has melted thrown the mushrooms in the pan and let them cook gently until they are soft.
3.     Add a bit more butter if the pan appears to become quiet dry, keep an eye on this as you don’t want burn mushrooms. (Approx 15 minutes.)
4.     Add ample black pepper and a small sprinkling of salt.
5.     When they are cooked add a small wine glass full of white wine. Have one for yourself!
6.     When you are ready to serve add the cream and bring back to nearly boiling, don’t let them boil however, or the cream will curdle, and you certainly don’t want that!
7.     Finally add a little lemon juice to the dish but be careful when adding the cream that it does split and curdle.
8.     I would recommend serving in large ramekins. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley and black pepper.
9.     Serve with crusty bread.

Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend.

The Cooking Fairy! x J

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